L.D.210/1973/ (GG Α’277) Mining Code (MC) as amended and valid.
Amended by L.274/1976 (GG A’50) and P.D 92/1986.
Other amendments: Art.194 of L.4001/2011 amended Art. 148. Art.63 of L.4042/2012 amended Art. 84. Art.12 of L.4203/2013 amended Art. 84 and 176. L.4280/2014 amended Art.161.
Last amendments: Art. 64 and 67 of L.4512/2018 amended several articles of the MC. Art. 77 of L. 4602/2019 amended Art. 167. |
Art. 1-14: Establish the legal classification of Greek Mineral Raw Materials in “Metallic Minerals or Ores and Quarry Minerals, set the provisions for the Metallic Minerals’ Ownership Right in relation to the landownership and define the resources that are exempted over the State.
Art. 15-43: Regulate the procedures for issuance of the Metallic Minerals’ Exploration License (AME), including timeframes. The duration of the AME is 3 years pursuant to L.274/1976.
Art. 44-64: Regulate the procedures for the granting of Mining Concessions for Metallic Minerals’ exploitation. The submission and approval of a Feasibility Study is a pre-requisite. Mine Concessions are valid for 50 years and may be extended for additional 25 years. After consultation with HSGME (former IGME), they may be extended for another 25 years.
Art. 65-142: Deal with Metallic Minerals’ mine ownership issues, as well as obligations and rights of mine operators.
Art. 143-156: Define the Greek State’s Mining Rights for hydrocarbons, emery, solid energy minerals, etc. Par. 1 of Art. 148 was amended with Art.194 of L.4001/2011.
Art. 157-170: Deal with inspection/supervision/monitoring issues and the necessary permits for mining operations.
Mining Code in English (codified)
MiningDecree_Greece_ENGLISH.pdf (europa.eu) |
L.4042/2012 (GG A’24)
Protection of the environment through criminal law-Compliance with Directive 2008/99/
EC – Framework for the production and management of wastes – Compliance with Directive 2008/98 / EC – Regulation of issues concerning the Ministry of Environment Energy and Climate Change. |
Art.63 of L.4042/2012 amended Art. 84 of the Mining Code. Pursuant to this amendment, maximum fair lease limits are established for the leasing of Mine Ownership Rights and rights arising from AMEs. They are calculated as a percentage on the sales price of the ore or its processed product.
https://www.elinyae.gr/ethniki-nomothesia/n-40422012-fek-24a-1322012 |
L.4442/2016 (GG A’230)
New institutional framework for conducting economic activity and other provisions, as amended and valid. Amendments induced by L.4512/2018, L.4546/2018, L.4549/2018, L.4635/2019, L.4811/2021, L. 4796/2021, L.4914/2022 and L.4685/2020 (Art. 119). |
Two significant amendments induced by L.4512/2018. Firstly, a new chapter was added, containing Art. 57-67, after Article 56 of L.4442/2016, with Art.66, paragraph 3 of L.4512/2018. This chapter regulates exploration and exploitation activities for Quarry Minerals on private, municipal, and public land.
Secondly, another chapter was added, containing Art. 68-76, with Art.67 of L. 4512/2018. This chapter regulates exploration and exploitation activities for Metallic Minerals or Ores.
https://www.elinyae.gr/ethniki-nomothesia/n-44422016-fek-230a-7122016 |
L.4512/2018 (GG A’5) Part B
Exploration and Exploitation of quarry minerals and other provisions as amended and valid. Amended with L.4602/2019 (Art. 58), L.4610/2019 (Art.228), L.4643/2019 (Art. 40), L.4759/2020 and L.4685/2020 (Art.118). |
Art.43-72 (Quarrying Law): Regulate the exploration and exploitation of Quarry Minerals.
The Quarrying Law induced significant changes and simplified the framework for carrying out exploration and exploitation activities for quarry minerals.
L. 4512/2018, Part B in English
GreeceMiningAct_ENGLISH.pdf (europa.eu) |
MD12050/2223/2011 (GG B’1227)
Mining and Quarrying Activities’ Regulation KMLE. |
The KMLE is a set of rules that apply to all types of mining and quarrying sites during exploration, extraction, exploitation, or treatment of mineral raw materials and rehabilitation activities. It defines the criteria that should be considered to achieve rational operation for all types of mining/quarrying activities. It also defines the obligations for mine/quarry operators and sets the overall framework for the planning, arrangement, operation, supervision, and inspection of all mining/quarrying works. It regulates health and safety issues and sets terms and measures for the protection of the environment, cultural heritage, infrastructure etc. It envisages the documents required to control compliance of the quarry/mine operators with the provisions of the KMLE.
https://www.elinyae.gr/ethniki-nomothesia/ya-d7aoik-1205022232011-fek-1227b-1462011 |
JMD171311/426/2018 (GG B’480)
Definition of the procedures for carrying out exploration and exploitation activities for quarry minerals on private land and for installing and operating the processing facilities. |
http://www.et.gr/idocs-nph/search/fekForm.html#results |
JMD171312/427/2018 (GG B’480)
Definition of the procedure for granting approval to carry out exploration activities for metallic minerals or ores. |
http://www.et.gr/idocs-nph/search/fekForm.html#results |
JMD171313/428/2018 (GG B’479)
Definition of the procedures for granting approval to carry out exploration and exploitation activities for quarry minerals on public and municipal land. |
http://www.et.gr/idocs-nph/search/fekForm.html#results |
JMD171314/429/2018 (GG B’481)
Definition of the procedures for the installation and operation of electrical and mechanical equipment in quarrying and mining sites with a valid exploitation permit. |
https://elinyae.gr/ethniki-nomothesia/ya-dapaf42oik-1713144292018-fek-481b-1522018 |
JMD71099/67/2018 (GG B’5018)
Definition of the administrative fees requested for granting approvals foreseen under the provisions of L.4512/2018 or the mining and quarrying legislation in general as well as the lodging of any appeal before the Minister of Environment and Energy. |
Defines the amounts of administrative fees for granting approvals and lodging appeals related to extractive activities.
https://www.elinyae.gr/ethniki-nomothesia/ya-ypendap71099672018-fek-5018b-12112018 |
JMD83371/122/2018 (GG B’5438)
Definition of the procedure, timeframe, and calculation of the lease fees (fixed and pro-rata lease fees) for public quarries to be paid to the State. |
http://www.et.gr/idocs-nph/search/fekForm.html#results |
MD176641/2214/2018 (GG B’2909)
Calculation and definition of the procedure for the deposition, replacement, forfeiture of a letter of guarantee related to obligations for compliance arising from the Environmental Terms Approval Decision (AEPO) in quarrying and mining sites, as amended by MD 80921/994/2020 (GG B’3768). |
MD80921/994/2020 amends Art. 2 &7 of MD176641/2214/2018 and establishes a new way to calculate the value of the deposited letter of guarantee based on a mathematical formula.
http://www.et.gr/idocs-nph/search/fekForm.html#results |
MD175616/1918/2018 (GG B’2304)
Definition of the procedure for the leasing, exploitation, and management of public quarries. |
http://www.et.gr/idocs-nph/search/fekForm.html#results |