Permitting/Licensing authorities
The Ministry of Environment and Energy (YPEN) at national level and the De-centralized Administrations and Administrative Regions at regional/local level are the competent authorities for issuing permits and licenses relevant to the mining and quarrying activities (Table 2.3-1). Additionally, several co-authorities functioning on national, regional, or local level deliver their opinion, mainly during the environmental permitting process of projects and activities. Their role in permitting/licensing depends on the type of projector activity and its potential environmental impact (Table 2.3-2). The issuance of opinion on behalf of the co-authorities is generally consultative unless otherwise defined by the specific provisions of law (JMD1649/2014, Art.3, paragraph 2).
The Ministry of Environment and Energy (YPEN) is the competent authority for the environmental permitting for projects and activities classified under subcategory A1. The Environmental Terms Approval Decision (AEPO) takes the form of a Ministerial Decision issued by YPEN. The De-centralized Administrations are the competent authorities for the environmental permitting for projects and activities classified under subcategory A2. In this case, the AEPO is a Decision issued by the coordinator of the concerned De-centralized Administration. The environmental permitting of category B projects and activities does not require submission of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study. They are only subject to a declaration of conformity with Standard Environmental Commitments (SEC) submitted to the concerned De-centralized Administrations.
The Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration (HSGME), in its role as consultant to the Ministry of Environment and Energy, delivers its opinion on various issues and stages of the exploration and exploitation permitting of projects and activities such as: evaluation of mining and quarrying feasibility studies submitted by third parties, delivery of data and opinion regarding public areas in which HSGME has performed exploration work in the past, delivering opinion during the granting process of exploration permit for quarry minerals in public areas.
Table 2.3-1: Permitting/Licensing authorities (national, regional, or local level)
Name of authority / Web access | Role in permitting/licensing | Relative legislation |
Ministry of Environment and Energy (YPEN) | Approval of the Technical Study concerning the exploitation of Metallic Minerals or Ores and Quarry Minerals. | L.D.210/1973 (Mining Code) and L.4512/2018 as amended and valid. |
Issuance of the PD on the Mine Concession-Extension of Mine Concession’s duration. | ||
Leasing of the Metallic Minerals’ Ownership Right owned by the Greek State, pursuant to Art. 143-156 of the MC. | ||
Leasing of the Metallic Minerals’ Ownership Right owned by the Greek State concerning marine mineral resources of the Greek continental self and the exclusive economic zone. | L.D.210/1973 (Mining Code) (Art.143-156) and L.2289/1995, as amended and valid. | |
Environmental permitting of mining projects and activities classified in A1 sub-category. | L.4014/2011 as amended and valid. | |
The assent of the competent Mining Inspection Department following submission thereto of the standard technical commitments’ declaration. | L.4512/2018 (Art. 58 &59) as amended and valid. | |
Exploration works on behalf of the State (i.e., by the HSGME). | L.D.4433/1964 “About mineral exploration works on behalf of the Greek State and other provisions” (Art. 1&2). | |
De-centralized Administrations
Ministry of Interior ( 1. Macedonia-Thrace: 2. Aegean: 3. Epirus-Western Macedonia: 4. Thessalia-Sterea Ellada: 5. Peloponnese, Western Greece & Ionian: Home ( 6. Attiki: 7. Crete: |
Exploration licensing and exploitation permitting for industrial minerals, marbles and natural stones located on public or municipal land. In the latter case, prior approval of the respective municipal council is a prerequisite. | L.4512/2018 as amended and valid. |
Exploration and exploitation activities for industrial minerals, marbles and natural stones on private land are subject to a simple notification addressed to the De-centralized Administrations pursuant to JMD171311/2018. | ||
Environmental permitting of mining projects and activities classified under A2 sub-category. | L.4014/2011 as amended and valid. | |
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Administrative Regions (in alphabetical order)
1. Attica: 2. Central Greece: 3. Central Macedonia: 4. Crete: 5. Eastern Macedonia & Thrace: 6. Epirus: 7. Ionian Islands: 8. North Aegean: 9. Peloponnese: 10. South Aegean: 11. Thessaly: 12. Western Greece: 13. Western Macedonia: |
Concerns exploration activities for Metallic Minerals or Ores, such as:
L.D.210/1973 (Mining Code) as amended and valid. |
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Table 2.3-2: Key co-authorities delivering opinion during the permitting/licensing procedure
Name of authority / Web access | Role in permitting/licensing | Relative legislation |
Ministry of Culture and Sports | Competent co-authority for environmental permitting of projects and activities.
The Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities delivers its opinion when the project /or activity takes place in marine areas. The Ephorate of Paleo-anthropology – Speleology provides its opinion when the project/or activity is near a cave. |
Pursuant to Art.2, paragraph 4 of L.4014/2011as amended and JMD1649/2014.
Ministry of Rural Development and Food | Competent co-authority for environmental permitting of projects and activities of A1 subcategory.
Concerns projects and activities taking place in agricultural and especially in cultivated land of high productivity. |
L.4014/2011 as amended and valid and JMD1649/2014. |
Ministry of National Defense | Competent co-authority for environmental permitting of projects and activities of A1 & A2 subcategories. | L.4014/2011 as amended and valid and JMD1649/2014. |
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Competent co-authority for environmental permitting of projects and activities of A1 & A2 subcategories.
Concerns projects or activities taking place in the vicinity of a facility operated by the Civil Aviation Authority. |
L.4014/2011 as amended and valid and JMD1649/2014. |
De-centralized Administrations | The Water Department of the relative De-centralized Administration delivers its opinion during the environmental permitting of A1 & A2 type of projects and activities. | L.4014/2011 as amended and valid and JMD1649/2014. |