A/A | Term in English | Term in Greek | Description and Explanations | Reference Document/Link |
1 | Public Area of Industrial Mineral (DEVO) | Δημόσια Έκταση Βιομηχανικού Ορυκτού (ΔΕΒΟ) | Public area in which the State (through its technical consultant i.e., HSGME) has conducted exploration work and discovered industrial mineral deposits. The leasing of these areas is performed in accordance with article 3 of PD 285/1979 and granted to the highest bidders through auctioning. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Reset
A/A | Term in English | Term in Greek | Description and Explanations | Reference Document/Link |
1 | Approval | Έγκριση | Any act or administrative procedure, exercised by the competent authority, as a prerequisite for the kickoff/commencement of an economic activity, in a specific space or facility. An ex-ante inspection by the competent authorities may take place, prior to the granting of their approval. | L. 4442/2016 as amended, Article 2 Click the Link to see the file |
2 | Declaratory Act | Διαπιστωτική Πράξη | An Act issued by the Head of the Administrative Region, within two months of the application for a mineral exploration license being made, provided that the application fulfils certain conditions. This Act establishes the completion of the check and invites the person concerned to specify, within the requested area, as it may have been reduced after the check carried out, the type of works it intends to carry and their position. | Mining Code, Article 29 Mining Code in English (codified) MiningDecree_Greece_ENGLISH.pdf (europa.eu) Click the Link to see the file |
3 | Duplicate receipt of the Treasury | Διπλότυπο είσπραξης Δημοσίου Ταμείου | The application for the issuance of a mineral exploration license, shall be accompanied by a duplicate receipt of the Treasury, for an amount of EUR three thousand (3 000) as a State fee. This amount shall be adjusted every three years by decision of the Minister of YPEN. | Mining Code, Article 23 Mining Code in English (codified) Click the Link to see the file |
4 | Environmental permitting | Περιβαλλοντική αδειοδότηση | The environmental impact assessment process, as described in L.4014/2011 and specified in the corresponding regulatory provisions authorized by this law, for the issuance of the AEPO provided for in it. | JMD1915/2018, Article 2 Click the Link to see the file |
5 | Environmental Terms Approval Decision (AEPO) | Απόφαση Έγκρισης Περιβαλλοντικών Όρων (ΑΕΠΟ) | AEPO is the administrative act by which are approved the Environmental Terms of projects and activities that fall under the scope of JMD1915/2018 (GG B’304). The licensing/permitting of category A projects or activities (concern those that may cause significant to very significant environmental impacts), requires the issuance of an AEPO and the approval of a Technical Study. For the AEPO an Environmental Impact Assessment Study must be submitted and approved by the competent authorities. | L. 4014/2011 as amended Click the Link to see the file |
6 | Lease fee (Fixed lease fee and Pro-rata lease fee) | Μίσθωμα (Πάγιο μίσθωμα και Αναλογικό μίσθωμα) | ‘Fixed lease fees’ means lease fees payable as of the entry into force of the lease contract, their amount being independent of the output (products or by-products) of the quarry. ‘Pro-rata lease fees’ means lease fees payable as of the start of production in the quarry, their amount being dependent on the output of the quarry. | L. 4512/2018, Part B in English, Articles 43 & 45 Click the Link to see the file Greece Mining Act Click the Link to see the file |
7 | Letter of guarantee | Εγγυητική επιστολή | Mining Code, Article 39 Click the Link to see the file | |
8 | Metallic Minerals or Ores | Μεταλλευτικά Ορυκτά ή Μεταλλεύματα | The following mineral raw materials are considered as ‘metallic minerals or ores: (a) Metals in their native state (copper, gold, etc.). (b) Compounds of all metals (aluminium, silver, arsenic, antimony, vanadium, barium, bismuth, tungsten, potassium, zirconium, cadmium, tin, cobalt, platinum, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, lead, nickel, iron, strontium, titanium, mercury, copper, gold, chromium, zinc, etc.). (c) Rare earth metals. (d) Minerals of radioactive elements. (e) Native sulfur, graphite, phosphorite, fluorite, asbestos, talc, alunite, mica, feldspar, potassium alum, mineral salt, compounds of boron, bromine and iodine, sepiolite, dolomite containing more than 21% of magnesium oxide. (f) Precious stones. (g) All solid fossil fuels, including peat. (h) Natural deposits of organic fertilizers. (i) Hydrocarbons of all kinds in solid or gaseous state, as well as their oxidation products (ozokerite, asphalt, pitch tar, pitch tar limestones and slates etc.). (j) Resinous mineral materials. (k) Helium gas and native gases. (l) ‘Geothermal potential’ Additionally, some of the mineral raw materials, referred to in Article 5 of the MC as Quarry Minerals, are legally considered as Metallic Minerals, if any of the latter may be extracted from them by means of mechanical, chemical, thermal, or metallurgical methods and may economically be exploited. | Mining Code, Article 2 Mining Code in English (codified) Click the Link to see the file |
9 | Metallic Minerals’ Exploration License (AME) | Άδεια Μεταλλευτικών Ερευνών (ΑΜΕ) | AME is the ownership title for the right to explore for Metallic Minerals (as defined in article 2 of the MC) within a site strictly defined by co-ordinates. It is the only foreseen procedure (i.e., a prerequisite) for a private entity to originally obtain a mine ownership right. The owner of an AME has the right to carry out exploration work for all Metallic Minerals occurring within the licensed area. In the case of a successful exploration program, the Licensee has the right to request the concession of the area referred in the AME, following an application to the Head of the Administrative Region. ‘Nobody may carry out exploration work for minerals on private or public land without obtaining in advance a mineral exploration license in accordance with the MC. The mineral exploration permit, issued by the head of the region (i.e., the Head of the Administrative Region) in whose jurisdiction the site to be explored lies, shall grant the right of mineral exploration, and authorize the carrying out of exploration work.’ | MINLEX Greek Country Report (updated in 2019) Click the Link to see the file Mining Code, Article 17 Click the Link to see the file |
10 | Metallic Minerals’ Ownership Right | Κυριότης Μεταλλευτικών Ορυκτών (Μεταλλευτικό Δικαίωμα | Metallic Minerals’ Ownership Right is the independent right in rem to explore and exploit these minerals, quite separate from the land ownership right. It is granted to any private entity according to the provisions of the MC. The Metallic Minerals’ Ownership Right though for minerals of radioactive elements, all solid fossil fuels including peat, natural deposits of organic fertilizers, hydrocarbons of all kinds in solid or gaseous state, helium gas and native gases, ‘Geothermal potential’, emery and mineral salt, rests with the State (Article 143 of the MC). Likewise, the State has the exclusive Right to search, explore and exploit all Metallic Minerals found in underwater (sea and lake) areas of the country (Article 148 of the MC). | Mining Code, Articles 3, 143 & 148 Mining Code in English (codified) Click the Link to see the file |
11 | Mine Concession | Παραχώρηση Μεταλλείου | A Mine Concession (Private Mine) is a site, strictly defined by co-ordinates, for which a Metallic Minerals’ ownership right has been conceded by the State to a private entity, for a time of 50 years, which can be extended for another 25+25 years. A PD issued by YPEN constitutes the Mine Concession title and is registered in the Mines’ Cadaster of the State (see also Private Mine. | MINLEX Greek Country Report (updated in 2019): Click the Link to see the file |
12 | Mine owner | Μεταλλειοκτήτης | The mine owner is entitled to a mine ownership. The mine owner shall have the exclusive right to explore, extract and in general exploit all metallic minerals occurring within the mine concession site, apart from those of Article 143 of the MC, for which this right rests with the State. | Mining Code, Article 67 Click the Link to see the file Mining Code in English (codified) Click the Link to see the file |
13 | Mine Ownership/ Mine Ownership Right | Μεταλλειοκτησία/ Δικαίωμα Μεταλλειοκτησίας | The Mine Ownership Right (Mine Ownership) constitutes an independent right in rem, distinct from the land ownership right. It is conceded by the State to a private entity, after the completion of a successful mineral exploration programme, conducted by the private entity in compliance with the provisions of the MC. The mines and their constituents are considered immovable properties. The publication of the PD on the Mine Concession establishes the Mine Ownership Right (see also Mine Concession). | Mining Code, Articles 15 & 65 Click the Link to see the file Mining Code in English (codified) Click the Link to see the file |
14 | Mineral Exploration | Μεταλλευτική Έρευνα (Metalleftiki Erevna) | Mineral exploration means carrying out (according to the rules of science and art), scientific studies or projects of all kinds in a particular area, either on the surface or underground, for the purpose of finding Metallic Mineral deposits. | Mining Code, Article 16 Mining Code in English (codified) pdf Click the Link to see the file |
15 | Mining and Quarrying Activities’ Regulation (KMLE) | Κανονισμός Μεταλλευτικών και Λατομικών Εργασιών (ΚΜΛΕ) | The aim of KMLE is to introduce the rules for the rational activity regarding exploration, exploitation, or treatment of mineral raw materials the health and safety of the workforce and the surrounding communities, environmental protection as well as the rehabilitation of the mining and quarrying sites. and safety of the workforce as well as the protection of citizens living in the neighboring areas and the protection of the environment. | Ministerial Decision 12050/2223/2011 (GG B’1227) Click the Link to see the file |
16 | Mining Code (MC) | Μεταλλευτικός Κώδικας (ΜΚ) (Metalleftikos Kodikas) | The MC is the capstone of the Greek Mining legislation. It classifies, from a legal point of view, the mineral raw materials into two broad categories: Metallic Minerals or Ores and Quarry Minerals. | L.210/1973 (GG Α’ 277) as amended Click the Link to see the file Mining Code in English (codified) Click the Link to see the file |
17 | Mining sites | Μεταλλευτικοί χώροι | Mining sites are: • The strictly defined sites for which a Metallic Minerals’ Exploration License has been issued, • The Mine Concessions, • The Mine Concessions granted with Firmania (i.e., Ottoman Decrees), • The Public Mines, • The Sites under exploration by the State, • The Geothermal Fields and • The Mining Sites, characterized as such by the prevailing legislation. | KMLE, Article 2 Click the Link to see the file |
18 | Notification | Γνωστοποίηση | It is the obligatory procedure that the interested party must follow prior to the commencement of an economic activity in a specific space or facility. An ex-ante inspection is not required whenever this procedure is applied. | L. 4442/2016 as amended, Article 2 Click the Link to see the file |
19 | Private Mines | Ιδιωτικά Μεταλλεία | Private Mines are considered those in which private entities have the Metallic Minerals’ Ownership Right. They include mines conceded by the State to private entities with a PD (see also Mine Concession) as well as mines which were lawfully owned by a private entity prior to the enforcement of the MC (i.e., L. 210/1973). | |
20 | Private or Municipal Quarries | Ιδιωτικά ή Δημοτικά Λατομεία | Are those located on private or municipal land respectively. | L. 4512/2018, Article 43 Click the Link to see the file GreeceMiningAct_ENGLISH.pdf (europa.eu) Click the Link to see the file |
21 | Public Area of Industrial Mineral (DEVO) | Δημόσια Έκταση Βιομηχανικού Ορυκτού (ΔΕΒΟ) | Public area in which the State (through its technical consultant i.e., HSGME) has conducted exploration work and discovered industrial mineral deposits. The leasing of these areas is performed in accordance with article 3 of PD 285/1979 and granted to the highest bidders through auctioning. | |
22 | Public Mines | Δημόσια Μεταλλεία | Public Mines refer to mines where the State has the exclusive right to exercise for itself the Metallic Minerals’ Ownership Right. These mainly concern: I) All mines hosting Metallic Minerals or Ores for which the right to explore and exploit rests with the State according to articles 143 and 148 of the MC. II) The Public Mining Sites, as registered by YPEN in 2014 III) Any site that has been explored by the technical advisor of the State i.e., the Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration (HSGME). | |
23 | Public Mining Sites | Δημόσιοι Μεταλλευτικοί Χώροι (ΔΜΧ) | Public Mining Sites are sites in which the Metallic Minerals’ Ownership Right rests exclusively with the State. The State may exercise this Right either by an ‘in house’ procedure or through leasing. | |
24 | Public Quarries | Δημόσια λατομεία | Are those located on public (i.e., state owned) land. | L. 4512/2018, Article 43 Click the Link to see the file |
25 | Quarry Minerals | Λατομικά Ορυκτά | The following mineral materials, subject to the provisions of Article 2 of the MC, are considered as Quarry Minerals: Marble, limestone of all kinds, dolomites containing less than 21% of magnesium oxide, slate, marls, clays, kaolin, silts, montmorillonite, bentonite, chalk, gypsum, alabaster, flysch, tuffs, amphibolite, prasinites, quartzites, ophites, olivines, peridotites, syenite, diorites, granites, trachytes, basaltes, rhyolites, dakitis, andesite, diabase, obsidians, perlites, pumice, puzzolan, sandstone, sands and every rock similar to the above. Quarry Minerals are further classified into the following categories: • Marbles and natural stones • Aggregates • Industrial minerals | Mining Code, Article 5 Click the Link to see the file Mining Code in English (codified) Click the Link to see the file L. 4512/2018, Article 43 Click the Link to see the file L. 4512/2018, Part B Click the Link to see the file |
26 | Quarry minerals’ ownership right | Κυριότης λατομικών ορυκτών | Quarry minerals’ ownership right coincides with the land ownership right. The landowner is entitled to exploit Quarry Minerals, according to the provisions of the Quarrying Law. | Mining Code, Article 6 Mining Code in English (codified) Click the Link to see the file |
27 | Quarrying Area (QA) | Λατομική Περιοχή | This term (i.e., quarrying area) concerns only aggregates. They are areas in which one or more quarrying sites for the exploitation of aggregates operate. These areas are designated by the procedures and criteria laid down in Articles 46, 47 and 48 of L. 4512/2018. | L. 4512/2018, Article 43 Click the Link to see the file |
28 | Quarrying Law | Λατομικός Νόμος | Regulates the exploration and exploitation of Quarry Minerals. | L. 4512/2018, Part B, Articles 43-72 Click the Link to see the file L. 4512/2018, Part B in English Click the Link to see the file |
29 | Quarrying Sites | Λατομικοί Χώροι | Quarrying sites are unified (undivided) sites for which approvals or notifications have been issued and are in force, as required by the prevailing legislation, regarding: (a) exploration operations, or (b) exploitation of quarry minerals. | L. 4512/2018, Article 43 Click the Link to see the file |
30 | Standard Environmental Commitments (SEC) | Πρότυπες Περιβαλλοντικές Δεσμεύσεις (ΠΠΔ) | The submission of a Standard Environmental Commitment (SEC) is requested, instead of an AEPO, where exploration activities involve limited area excavations (max 5m3/ha) and generally limited ground intervention (category B projects and activities). | Mining Code, Article 29 Mining Code in English (codified) Click the Link to see the file |
31 | Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) | Στρατηγική Περιβαλλοντική Εκτίμηση (ΣΠΕ) | It concerns the assessment of the environmental impacts of a plan or programme. It is performed for any specific plan or programme that may cause significant environmental impacts on a national, regional, or local scale, prior to the approval of this plan or programme. | MD 107017/2006 as amended, in Greek Click the Link to see the file |